You will need to email us on 30 days before the contract ends advising whether you want your PAC (porting authorisation code) codes or if you wish to have any lines disconnecting.

It is extremely important to be aware that requesting a PAC code does not automatically terminate the contract. The sole purpose of a PAC code is to retain your mobile number, therefore you must USE the PAC code otherwise the contract will keep on rolling on a monthly basis until you either use the PAC code or terminate the line. 

If you no longer require a line and you wish for it to be disconnected so it ceases to exist, you will need to email Ice comms advising us that you no longer require the line and we will disconnect it for you. Please be advised that a disconnection typically takes 30 days and a PAC code is only valid for 30 days. If your PAC code expires, you can request a new one but you will still be charged for the days that the mobile numbers are still line on the account.