A termination fee is essentially a charge levied when a party wants to break the term of an agreement or long-term contract. They are stipulated in the contract or agreement itself, and provide an incentive for the party subject to them to abide by the agreement. 

If you are looking to obtain a settlement figure, this can only be done by emailing in to support@ice-comms.co.uk because this cannot be advised over the phone. Your request will be sent to the termination department and emailed across to you within 48 hours. 

Please note, if you are billed by the network directly, you will receive term fees from both Ice comms and the network. If you are billed by Ice comms, you will only receive our term fees. 

It is also important to note that if you have a leasing agreement through Propel, you will be required to speak to them in order to receive your settlement figure since we cannot provide this to you. You get contact Propel by calling them on 01633 415222 or by emailing them on customersupport@propelfinance.co.uk